. . . is a specific skillset.
I think my path into writing, editing, publishing, and business is a unique one, and to be coaching authors now is just a natural next step. In whatever I do, I seem to always want to start a little community, to always get a lot of fulfillment from training others and watching them succeed. I started as a penny-for-word freelancer and was soon asked by a regular client to look over other writers’ work. They then asked me to do the hiring and management of the writers, and that led to a pretty cool writing team we had for a while. I started writing style guides and best practices up for writers to follow, and I started working with them one-on-one as well. Many are still friends today and have gone on to wonderful things.
The Tools and the Courage

Working with Rodney has given me the tools and the courage to write multiple books. He has been the imperative accountability partner I’ve needed to complete projects. Writing can be hard but having Rodney to turn to, bounce ideas off, and get intelligent feedback has been life-changing for me. I’ve learned about how to launch, market, design, write, and all the ins and outs of publishing. I’m so grateful!

And I’ve worked with a lot of coaches on their books. It’s taught me a lot. Thanks to Cynthia Freeman, Life Strategist, whose father was a football coach, I learned that the word, “coach,” derives from French and Hungarian and means “wagon.” When we coach someone we help them get from one place to another. That means motion, progress, direction. Every book project starts with a discussion of goals, of why each author wants a book in the first place. I then do whatever I can to see they accomplish those things with their books. So having found the joy in helping others through (which gives me a sense of community, also), I then get to overlay the expertise I’ve been able to accumulate in writing and publishing, and we have a blast.
And if it’s not, you’re doing something wrong.
Like surfing, chess, or anything for that matter, you can only get so far before you start bumping up against barriers best broken by the expertise of others. That expertise is most quickly and painlessly and specifically assimilated through live, personal exchanges with an expert. Coaching! If that’s what you want – live, fast, friendly and personal coaching to make your book journey as smooth, enjoyable, and productive as possible – let’s work together!

I’m currently selling coaching in blocks of five hours for $500. There is no time limit on using it. Some prepare questions for our sessions, which is a great idea. Regardless, it’s great to know you have someone in your corner you can turn to when needed. You can receive coaching by live video conference, just schedule your own sessions with my online scheduler. By video or phone we’ll round to 15-minute increments as we use the time, or you can email questions and we’ll round to five-minute increments it takes for me to reply. Either way, a five-hour block of coaching can last you months and provide a well of expertise, inspiration, and fresh perspective to draw from as needed.
Free Consultation
If you would like to discuss your book project, I am currently offering a free 30-minute project consultation which you can schedule right now using my online scheduler. Just click below. If the times available will not work for you feel free to message me and we’ll work something out, no worries.
Life is captured in books. Capture yours!
~ Rodney