Ladder to Lightness: be the author of your own story | we explore to restore
Author: Samantha Jones Darling Category: Client Books, InspirationWELCOME to the We Explore to Restore Travel Academy, A school for life across the globe, starting right where you are.
We explore the world around us, we explore the world within us, and the knowledge we uncover guides us to our inner knowing and our true nature, which is self-restoration. I believe that we all have one sole/soul purpose, to become sovereign and driven by our own unique inner authority.
In 2017 I started the worldwide search for actionable steps on exactly how to love myself. I wanted to radiate confidence and BE the LOVE I needed everywhere I went. I didn’t stop until I knew what to do with myself, for myself, and how to be by myself. This storytelling journey takes you inside my mind, traveling next to me around the world, learning as I learn, feeling as I felt, and ascending higher through the lessons and experiments I have lived through. Storytelling is more than just words from my lips, or paragraphs on a page, it’s the medicine of inspiration and wisdom woven into interesting experiences with insightful moments.
Join me as I ground in Tulum, cleanse on Bali, disappear in London, create collections in Ajijic, surrender in Santa Teresa, dig deeper in Carmel, nourish on Kaua’i, and silently restore in Thailand!
With this book, you get to be the explorer, restorer, and author of your own life story too!
Look inside.
This book is like no other! Within the stories, experiments, and the journal pages included, YOU get to BE the author of your own life.